Open Mail, go Mail → Preferences and select the Accounts tab to view your list of Accounts.If your Mac is set up to access mail, contacts, and calendars, you can also add Notes support. Once a note goes onto iCloud, Fastmail will no longer be able to synchronize with it. If you don't need the new features, then we recommend you do not upgrade Notes support: once upgraded, you can't go back. These extra features are not available if you are using IMAP based Notes through Fastmail. Warning: The new Notes features are available to OS X 10.11/iOS 9 users only if you are using Apple's upgraded Notes with iCloud support. If you do this, Mail.app will let you choose which one you would like to use each time you compose a message. You can also enter multiple email addresses, separated by a comma. Instead, in the Email Address field, replace your Fastmail username with the address you wish to use instead. In MacOS prior to 10.11 (El Capitan), there is no aliases option. On the following screen, click the + button to add a new address.Click the Email address dropdown, then Edit email addresses.Select your Fastmail account on the left.In Mac Mail, go to Mail → Preferences and select the Accounts tab.Looking for instructions on how to manually set up Mail, Calendar, or Contacts? Adding your other email addresses If you open the Profiles tool, you'll see a single entry for your Fastmail accounts. If you open your internet accounts list on your Mac, you'll see your accounts listed there. If everything looks good to you, click Install. Examine the profile ("Show Profile") and make sure it has access to the options you require: email, contacts (CardDAV), and/or calendars (CalDAV). This will download the configuration file to set everything up on your Mac automatically. Click the link that says Open this configuration file. The following screen will show information about the app password that has been created.Choose what sort of access this password requires.Give your app password a name to indicate which device and app this password is for.(For more information, see our Password-protected actions help page.) Scroll down to the Third-party apps section and click Manage.(In some screens, the button might say Add instead of Manage). Log in to the Fastmail web interface on your Mac and go to the Settings → Password & Security screen.The easiest way to set up a Mac is to use our automatic setup tool which will take care of the app password entry for you. If you use your normal password on an external account, syncing won't work and you will see a password error. Mac Mail, Calendar and Contacts apps need their own app password to access your information.